That's Gay
That's Gay
[Vol. 44] The Gender Revolution is Here, Baby

[Vol. 44] The Gender Revolution is Here, Baby

A conversation with advocate, CEO, professional dancer, Zackery Torres.
Photo via @zackery_torres / Image created via Canva Pro.

Hellllloooo! Happy first ever That’s Gay Friday :) Honestly, I like it. Has a better ring to it than That’s Gay Thursday.

Or does it? Maybe it doesn’t.

This is what usually goes down in my head internally whenever I have to make a decision, so I’m glad you’re all here to bear witness this time. Or am I?

Anyways, this is not why we’re here today.

Last week, I got to sit down (virtually) with Zackery Torres.

You may recognize them from Dance Moms or Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition, or you may not, either way they’re someone you should have on your radar now.

Besides being an ex-TV star and newly-minted graduate from the Glorya Kaufman School of Dance at the University of Southern California, Zack is a badass transgender/nonbinary advocate for gender inclusivity and diversity across the board (and specifically in dance).

We covered a lot in this here podcast …

From Zack’s experience figuring out their identity in the public eye, to the best way to approach family/friends that don’t “get” your identity, you best believe we went there and back again in this one.

Give it a listen – I know you’re gonna love it <3

P.S. As promised, here are all the links you’ll need to keep up with Zack and their company, Continuum Community (which you should definitely do)

Zackery Torres on Instagram: @zackery_torres

Continuum Community on Instagram: @continuumcommunity_

Continuum Community on Youtube: Continuum Community

& for all my Facebook frequenters … Continuum Community on Facebook: @continuumcommunity 

P.P.S. A nonbinary refresher:

We talked a little bit about non-binary identities in Vol. 12 of this newsletter, but that was many volumes ago. Here’s a little refresher on what being gender non-binary can look like and how you can be respectful and supportive of non-binary folks, provided by the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Image created via Canva Pro.

WEDNESDAY 05/19 – Demi Lovato Comes Out & Tennessee Tries to Shut the Closet Door

If you haven’t already heard (which you probably have), pop-star Demi Lovato came out as non-binary on Wednesday and now officially goes by they/them pronouns.

At the same time, Tennessee is doubling down on anti-trans bills, following suit with a concerning uptick in similar bills all across the country. Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (‘R’ for Republican, of course) signed a flurry of these bills in the past month, one granting parents the right to pull their children out of any classroom discussions mentioning the existence of LGBTQ+ people, another requiring businesses and public buildings to notify the general public if their restrooms serve transgender customers (you know, as a warning … 🙄 )

So what does Demi’s coming out have to do with this concerning transphobic trend?

Well, like I mentioned in the podcast (if you listened to it already) my theory on why this whole uptick in legal backlash against the trans community is happening now is, in part, because change is on the horizon.

When things change, people get scared, and when people get scared, they lash out at the scary unknown coming their way. That’s what I think is happening in our country right now.

As we keep pushing the conversation on gender inclusivity and diversity, and as more celebrities like Demi come out, you can bet more of these challenges will start cropping up.

The difference is, folks like Demi and the people that choose to understand, love and support trans and non-binary people like them are going to move on with the tides of change, while those that are trying to erase our existence will, to use Zack’s words, be left behind.

To all the trans and non-binary folks – especially the youth – who will be hurt by and have been hurting in the wake of this wave of anti-trans legislation, I wish I could do more for you than just tell you to hang in there.

But hang in there. Yes it’s dark, but it’s always darkest before the dawn.

We said it in the podcast and I’ll say it again: we’re at a turning point.

Find me on Instagram: @till_kaeslin

Check out the newsletter’s home on Instagram: @thatsgaynewsletter

Whew! And that was That’s Gay, Volume 44.

See you in Volume 45, folks! 

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That's Gay
That's Gay
A biweekly newsletter for all the folks outgrowing "the way things are" – written by a queer kid who knows the feeling.