I can't believe they're the first, it blows my mind. And the part that's contradicting these negative preconcived notions people have about gay men is that, we're talking about men that have been all this time around insanely hot guys, half-naked or naked in the locker room even, who obviously knew fairly well all along that Nassib and Prokop were gay yet it never impacted them negatively in anyway whatsoever.

So no, sane-minded gay men will not jump on heterosexual men. Period. I would actually argue heterosexual males should be a lot more worried about other "heterosexual" males who would rather take a bullet than be described as "gay" despite nefarious actions ranging from harassing you in the street to raping you in prison. It needs to specified however, that the aforementioned freaks should never be considered part of the gay community at all.

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